Final Four Best Super Bowl Food

Episode 3 February 09, 2024 00:36:51
Final Four Best Super Bowl Food
Friendly Competition
Final Four Best Super Bowl Food

Feb 09 2024 | 00:36:51


Show Notes

We have finally figured it out, if you're going to throw a Super Bowl Party you must listen to this episode so you don't make a fool of yourself in front of Taylor Swift. And we may have discoverd the secret of time travel. 

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[00:00:26] Speaker A: Nick Carey, alongside my co host and best friend, Cody Lena, discuss various pop culture topics and narrow it down to truly the best of all time. [00:00:35] Speaker B: We did it for you. We got bad cholesterol for you. We got all these delicious treats for you. I've had diarrhea for a week for you. I did this for the people who listen to this show. I did it for all of you. When I'm on the toilet crying, know that you're the ones that are getting me through. You're my gut. You're my North Star fans. All of you, all you motorboaters out there, you're the reason I wake up every morning and go directly to the toilet. Have I mentioned the fact that I've. [00:01:00] Speaker A: Been on the toilet a lot? A lot for this was. [00:01:04] Speaker B: I don't know how you did your research. Me and Nick separate when we do research. So we kind of did it a little different this time. So we were recording and the episode comes out in a couple of days, so I took just four days, Nick. This is what I did. And I only ate each one of these foods for one day of that whole thing. [00:01:19] Speaker A: Oh, very interesting. [00:01:22] Speaker B: Yeah. So I just ate crock of meat. Crock. Then I did chips because I thought chips. Wings. So then I did wings, and then I did nachos because I wanted to separate the meaty stuff. Yeah. [00:01:32] Speaker A: If you go chips to nachos, you're kind of losing a little bit of the, like. Wait, both were crunchy, but was one. [00:01:38] Speaker B: Exactly. That's. I didn't want to do the same thing with the wings and the meat, so. Yeah, no, I've had diarrhea for four days. [00:01:43] Speaker A: Yeah. Interesting method. I love that. I think. Because now you're getting to see it at all stages of the day, even though mostly the Super bowl does happen at the exact same time every year. And so you really could have just checked at that time how you liked it, but I love that you did this. [00:02:01] Speaker B: No, I won. Well, because I wanted to get the spirit of the guy who wakes up in the morning and he's doing this Super bowl prep and he's just munching all day. [00:02:09] Speaker A: Yeah. So, fun fact, I went to the future. [00:02:12] Speaker B: Oh. [00:02:13] Speaker A: So there was a guy, I saw an ad on the Internet. Guy said, got a time machine. Do you want to watch the Super bowl with me before it happens? And I was like, yeah, of course I do. So I hop in this guy's time machine. [00:02:28] Speaker B: Wait, are you going to wait till the end for spoilers on betting ods? [00:02:31] Speaker A: Yeah, no, to be clear, I might tell you all. Maybe it's a big one. It's pretty good. But instead, yeah, we just went to this dude's Super bowl party, and everything was there. That was the one thing I told him. I was like, hey, here's my rules, though. If I'm going to a super party, I don't care when it is, I need these four things because I have to do research. And he was like, yeah, of course, bro. Of course, bro. So I got to eat them in the future. I want to tell you right now, all these foods do hold up in the future. I know for you all, the future is two days away. For me, it was, like, seven days ago, so I don't know. You never know what's going to happen. You never know if society is going to move forward and be like, first. [00:03:13] Speaker B: Okay, here's the deal. No, Nick, here's the thing. We need to know. Yeah. Yes. We got to get back to that. But if I built a time machine that could only travel you ahead four days, or I could built a time machine that only traveled you ahead 40 years, you'd be more impressed by the 40 years, and that's stupid. [00:03:28] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:03:28] Speaker B: I'm still traveling through time. What do you think of better than me? Because you can choose the date. [00:03:34] Speaker A: Yeah. No, the fact that you got to be in the future for a little bit. [00:03:38] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:03:40] Speaker A: And for me, that's all I needed, too. I was like, this is perfect. Because the guy was like. And that was the thing that I felt really bad for this guy because I can only go, like, seven days in the future. And I was like, I don't care. [00:03:51] Speaker B: Dude, that's amazing, man. [00:03:53] Speaker A: Dude, that's awesome. And that's all. [00:03:55] Speaker B: I'm just trying to go to a. [00:03:56] Speaker A: Super bowl party because I had this idea. I was like, well, maybe I just throw myself a Super bowl party, but I'll watch, like, an old game, right? An old classic. I'll watch the game with the catch or the game with the throw or the game with the other catch. They're not good at naming, you would think when we came up. [00:04:15] Speaker B: I do love the immaculate reception, though. [00:04:16] Speaker A: That is. But that's the thing. We should have given them all names. I think the first catch is just, like, a really nice pass to Jerry Rice that he caught in between two hands, and it's just like, that's the catch. We're going to call that the catch. [00:04:31] Speaker B: Of all of them. [00:04:32] Speaker A: I saw a dude catch it off another dude's helmet, and when they fell to the ground. Kept it on his helmet. He's like, that counts, dog that shit. Like, but we're like, that's not the catch. [00:04:44] Speaker B: Wedge it in his own helmet so he could hold it with, like, his forearm as he held off a big dude, and that counted. That's way cooler of a catch. [00:04:51] Speaker A: Yeah, but we're like, put the catch. So I was like, I was going to do it in the. I was just going to kind of relive the fact that I got to go to the future and watch it crushes it once again, too. Just like, all this stuff holds up. Nothing. We don't find out any E. Coli scares. If you're going to go buy frozen meatballs, don't worry about that. [00:05:08] Speaker B: Have they cured cancer? [00:05:11] Speaker A: Okay, I don't know how many spoilers you want, but there's a Super bowl ad that talks about it. That was one of the things. And some advancements were made, but they did say one of the side effects is super cancer, and I don't even. [00:05:26] Speaker B: Know what that is. [00:05:26] Speaker A: And so that was scary. They're like, this does cure cancer, but side effects do include headaches, nausea, potential for super cancer. And I was like, what? [00:05:35] Speaker B: Didn't have time to look it up, though. Yeah. [00:05:36] Speaker A: No. And I was like, I don't need it right now, so I'm not worried, but got it. [00:05:42] Speaker B: That's what we're talking about. [00:05:42] Speaker A: Getting in our meat on getting into it here, folks. At the Super bowl party here, we have the group a champion, wings, going to go up against the group B champion, crock of meat. We have the group C champion, chips, going up against the group D champion, nachos. If you want to find out how they got here, you can always go back and listen to those episodes. But, Cody, where do you want to start? [00:06:04] Speaker B: Wings. Crock of meat. We got our big, meaty boys, the ones that all the big, burly men have to have. [00:06:10] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:06:11] Speaker B: Because they're afraid of carrots and celery. Well. [00:06:13] Speaker A: Right. [00:06:14] Speaker B: Gentle whisper of a sweet cookie on your lips. [00:06:17] Speaker A: Yeah. No, we're here to eat meat. We're here to chow down on. And the thing I love about both, all these or this selection here. Oh, and when we say crock of meat, we're talking about your meatballs, your cocktail weenies. We'll even include if you want to do, like, a little pulled pork or something. But what I love about this is that they're all miniatures, right? So the amount that you can eat is always enough to discuss, but yet surprise yourself. [00:06:45] Speaker B: Right. [00:06:46] Speaker A: That's the part. Because if all it was was just big, if it was just standard cheeseburgers, right? If that was just something we did or someone made steaks for whatever God known reason, right. You would eat one eight ounce steak, right? Yeah, that's it. And that would be fine. I eat maybe 44oz of meatballs, guaranteed. [00:07:08] Speaker B: Why? Is it because once the meatballs are separated into half ounce portions, why is it that I can double my portion intake easy, easily? [00:07:16] Speaker A: Not even. No question either. No doubt in my mind that I will eat far more in cocktail weenies and meatball. [00:07:24] Speaker B: Well, I do like the method of eating where it's one out, one in. So you take a bite, and as soon as that bite hits your stomach and makes room, another bite's in. You can't do that at dinner because you got to sit there and eat it all at once. When I'm walking around the party, I can crock a meat. Just dip my bear paw right in there. [00:07:40] Speaker A: That's the thing. You could say this about a lot of the options here that we have, but nothing is more suited for the walk by than the crock of meat. And I'll say chips. Those two have the perfect, like, I don't need to grab a plate. I can just grab a couple of chips and just nom those. Or like you said, you can just grab a toothpick, bing, pop one in right there, and no one bothers you. [00:08:07] Speaker B: Like, you would think that that would. [00:08:08] Speaker A: Be a weird thing, watching just someone just like, how many? Okay, that's the question, though. You're standing by the crock of meat. You're toothpicking it. How many before someone's like, you could. [00:08:17] Speaker B: Grab a plate, dog? Oh, a three. [00:08:19] Speaker A: Three is the Mac. [00:08:20] Speaker B: Okay. Three is the Mac. You got to hit them with a pump fake, though. You hit them with the one, take the bite, hit one, and then walk away. But don't really walk away. Walk away. As soon as they turn, you're back in it, dog. You got to lose the defense on that one. [00:08:33] Speaker A: You thought I wasn't going to have more me six. Stop it. [00:08:37] Speaker B: Here's the problem I had with my day of wings. There's a weird competitiveness to wings that I don't like, okay? [00:08:46] Speaker A: And there's a lot of avenues. I can see this going, so I want to see what you're going to take. [00:08:50] Speaker B: So when I eat wings and I'm done with the wing and I put it down, I eat it, like, with my hands, and I crunch it. I don't drop the whole wing in my mouth and pull out a fully suctioned bone. I don't chew the gristle out. I don't suck out the marrow. What the fuck are you doing? And then when I have my wing there, it has a little gristle on it. People are like, you didn't even eat that. You didn't fucking eat that wing. What? Are you going to waste all that good meat? It's like, first of all, not my dad. I'm a grown man. Yeah. And I don't want the gristle. It's crunchy on my teeth. Yeah. What are we talking? [00:09:18] Speaker A: Because there is, like. I think the easiest one to think about is the drum. Not the flap, but, like, the drum wing. Right. And that thing is pretty clear on how you would eat it all and get everything off of it. But then at the top. At the top ends, there's little nubbins that. Yeah, maybe have a little sauce on them. Maybe have. I wouldn't even call that meat. I'd barely call that gristle. It's mostly bone. It's literally like the meat between your teeth, but you're trying to get it out of someone else's teeth. [00:09:50] Speaker B: Now. [00:09:51] Speaker A: That's what it feels like to me when I watch people just really getting into a bone. I'm like, hey, my guy, a chicken died for this. Could you not? [00:10:01] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:10:02] Speaker A: Imagine if someone's eating your leg like that, right? Come on, dude. [00:10:08] Speaker B: How? Just some decorum. [00:10:09] Speaker A: You got what you wanted, man. [00:10:11] Speaker B: You ate the leg. [00:10:12] Speaker A: You ate the meat off the leg. Why do you have to go in and take down every single. That's it. [00:10:17] Speaker B: And also one of the things that pisses me off, I've had this happen where I'm eating a wing and someone next to me, I put my wing down, and I think I eat it like a normal person. I'm not leaving half the meat on there. I put it down. Literally had people go, wings. I'm 35 years old now. I'm getting to the point where you about to start catching hands for. Well, and I think the other thing. [00:10:38] Speaker A: With wings, you're right. That was one of the things I thought of, too, is like, there's this weird, like, did you clean your wings? Kind of thing, and you're like, and that's ridiculous. Don't be that person. There's no need. There's no need. [00:10:48] Speaker B: Also. But you're literally yucking someone's yum when you do that. No. [00:10:53] Speaker A: Here's what we're going to start doing, then. Give it to them. Be like, no. Then you do it. Clean them off. Well, you already ate them. I know, but it seems very important to you. [00:11:00] Speaker B: That's so good. [00:11:01] Speaker A: That seems very important to you. So you should do that. Then go for it, because I would hate to waste that wing. I'm not going to do it. But if you can't live with this wing being wasted, please finish it for me. [00:11:13] Speaker B: I want to watch. Hey. I want to watch you eat my garbage. Yeah, I want to watch you eat my trash. You think you're fucking better than me? Then eat my trash, you sick fuck. Eat my fucking trash. [00:11:24] Speaker A: But the problem with wings is also the spiciness, right? Because what will happen? I'm not saying that the wings generally at the Super bowl party are spicy, but it feels like there's a going to be someone who comments on either how spicy they are or aren't. And then there's always like, well, we got some more hot sauce. Take this up a notch. [00:11:43] Speaker B: There's always those, like, four guys at the party who, oh, the hot sauces are coming out. I bet I could do the hotter one than you. It's like, God damn it, I'm trying to watch Taylor Swift, honestly. But also, the game's on. [00:11:53] Speaker A: This ain't fucking hot. [00:11:55] Speaker B: You. [00:11:55] Speaker A: There's nothing to be gained by eating the hottest food at a party. We didn't want that. That wasn't what we all agreed to come. Don't get me wrong. If you tell me, hey, we're having a hot ones party, I am down. We did that for someone's bachelor party once, and it was phenomenal. We had a great time asking questions and chowing these wings and just getting flustered and whatever, I'm all down for that. But when we're at the party and this weird machismo energy about who can eat the hottest wings, what are we doing here? Ursha baby's about to come on. That's the hottest wing I'm trying to watch right now. [00:12:32] Speaker B: Is ursher baby. That's right. [00:12:34] Speaker A: And he crushes it, by the way. [00:12:35] Speaker B: Do you think, oh, does Luda show up? Do they hit the. [00:12:38] Speaker A: Yeah, obviously, it's the person that he. There's someone you think is dead right now. Right now. There's someone you think is dead because of all of the reports you've seen would indicate they are dead. Fucking. It was a work. Dude comes back from the dead. [00:12:59] Speaker B: And drops some bars. [00:13:00] Speaker A: Yeah, it was someone I wasn't really expecting. Someone who had to go to rehab. She said no. I was like, oh, I didn't even know those two ever did anything together. But turns out they didn't, but nonetheless. And we're like, wait, what? You think it's going to be a hologram? [00:13:23] Speaker B: No. [00:13:23] Speaker A: Real fucking thing. I'm telling you right now. It was wild. It blew us all away. But I love that. [00:13:28] Speaker B: I think I got a locking croc of meat, because no one's. For some reason, when everyone's eating little wieners, it doesn't become a wiener measuring contest. But with wings, men do that, and I never did. First of all, I've never given them a shit. I like spicy food until I don't. And I don't care, like, what that level is to anyone else. [00:13:47] Speaker A: You're the guest on hot ones that buy the fifth wing. You're like, I'm done. And then, Sean, no, but you could. Come on, we can keep going. You're like, no. [00:13:56] Speaker B: First of all, on hot ones, I. [00:13:58] Speaker A: Would eat the whole thing, and I'd. [00:13:59] Speaker B: Be miserable about it, but I'm not going to do, like. No, I don't like hot wings. Tug. [00:14:04] Speaker A: I do love that. When hot ones started, it was just, like, b, c level rappers and stand up comics, and no one really knew what it was. So people would just quit early because this is so stupid. But now, because it's, like a list celebrities, and everyone has done it and gone through the whole thing, that peer pressure to not quit is so good. It's so good. Do you know hot ones? Fun fact. No woman has ever quit. [00:14:30] Speaker B: Hell, yeah. [00:14:31] Speaker A: No woman has ever. I can't remember who he said it to. There was one woman who was, like, struggling, and then he tells her that, and she's like, go fuck yourself, Sean. How dare you say that to me right now. I may have called it, but now I got to. For all women, if I do this, I'm holding back the movement. Feminism dies on this episode if I don't eat the last dab. [00:14:55] Speaker B: And that's how some men feel at the super bowl, and it's insanity to me. Jesus, I got to lock in crock. Don't be that guy. [00:15:02] Speaker A: I'm with you here. Crock of meat is great, and we'll move that on. So next up, we have chips and we have nachos. I do love the breakdown of this. That meat got one side, and then we got, honestly, just chips on the other side. But crunch. Yeah, we got crunch on the other side. [00:15:18] Speaker B: Which brings me to my biggest fear, dog. Unless you're doing a made nacho bar, you can't bring out a big platter of nachos that's going to get soggy and gross. You got to do a nacho bar. And even if you do a nacho bar now, you put me on a time limit. Nachos don't hold up the same. [00:15:33] Speaker A: Yeah, nachos. [00:15:34] Speaker B: And none of the stuff involved with nachos is the same. So if I hit the chip table and first quarter, get some of those cool ranch boys, and I'm really having a blast with that, I can come back after the halftime show. As I'm cooling down from Ursure and apparently Amy Winehouse coming. I'm inferring. Nick did not say that. [00:15:56] Speaker A: I didn't say that. [00:15:57] Speaker B: I'm inferring that Amy Winehouse lifeless corpse shambles onto the stage and sings, I want to go to. I can't. You can't do that with Nachos. The first plate of nachos is great. You can't come back once the beans harden over, once the meat gets cold, what's up with cheese that you leave out? What is that? What even is what even happened? [00:16:19] Speaker A: Well, and that's the thing, too. That sucks is like, even if we're doing a crock of. If you have your little crock pot of melted cheese, no matter what, it's going to get the skin. And now you got to break the skin, mix it back in, and it does seem to melt in there. Whatever. But that first moment, you're like, do I need to do this? Do I need to eat these? I've got to break the skin now to eat these? Not, do I really want to do that? [00:16:42] Speaker B: Any phrase where you say I have to break the skin to eat this? [00:16:46] Speaker A: Yeah, I should have to do that, then. I don't know if that's the act I want to commit, then. [00:16:52] Speaker B: I have this problem, too, though, Nick. It's just. [00:16:57] Speaker A: And we, and we were pretty clear when we talked about it that it's like chips are supposed to be there. But my question is, and I think we might have talked about this last episode, so you can tell me if you remember what we said, is the super bowl party the one party where if chips isn't there, you're like, well, yeah, of course we got the rest of the spread. [00:17:18] Speaker B: No, we haven't talked about this. No, I don't think so. I think chips are part of it. Chips are a palate cleanser. Chips are also chips. I use chips to calibrate my palate. I use a veggie tray to calibrate my palate. When I eat a Dorito nacho cheese chip, I know exactly what that's going to taste like. [00:17:32] Speaker A: Sure. So you're just double checking in case you're eating something. Like, I think this tastes bad. Well, let me check Dorito. That still tastes good. Okay, so that is bad. [00:17:41] Speaker B: Exactly. [00:17:43] Speaker A: It's not because I brushed my teeth before I got here. That is bad because that Dorito is very good. [00:17:49] Speaker B: Because the Dorito is the scale. It resets everything. [00:17:53] Speaker A: That's fair. That's a fair point to that point. Then the chips are like. I mean, to use a sports reference for the big game here, that's like the o line. It's not flashy. But what are you going to do? Get sacked? I can't list. What are you going to do? [00:18:09] Speaker B: No, I can't even have nachos without chips. Well, that's also very true, man. [00:18:16] Speaker A: The thing I like about the nacho bar, I think, like you said, sheet nachos, where you've taken a pan and you've put chips down, you've put cheese and you've put ingredients or whatever, and you're passing out. And now we all just kind of awkwardly either try to cut off a square of it or grab tongs and pull it out. That's a mess. And that's ridiculous. So if we're talking about a nacho bar, the thing I appreciate is, like, I'm like, way to go. This was very kind of you. Like, how nice of you to do. To put all of this together. I appreciate the effort. This is a host. Who cares? They probably have a cooler full of nice, cold, refreshing beers. They're not just like, there might be some in the. No, no, there's some in the cooler right next to the table, boss. Don't worry about it. We got the tv set up already. We're good to go. They might have put some decorations up. They might have went to party city and got little football. Little football banners and streamers. And I'm like, good on fucking. You. [00:19:15] Speaker B: Look at you. Control. Yeah, this person doesn't exist. [00:19:18] Speaker A: But, yeah, I'm saying, but it happens. It does. I've been there. And that starts because you're like, we're going to do a nacho bar at this thing. We're going to blow people's fucking minds. [00:19:28] Speaker B: I would love that. I think I have to lock in nachos because chips is just chips. But I think I can't forgive guy Fieri. Nick, I've been to Flavortown, okay? I fucking been to Flavortown. Guy Fieri. Touched me in Flavortown. Right? [00:19:43] Speaker A: It was the good touch. [00:19:44] Speaker B: It was good. [00:19:45] Speaker A: It was the good touch. Before we dare sully, this man's also guy Fieri berry kills a guy at the. Don't even. I shouldn't have said kind of. I'm actually kind of hoping the reason I did it is because I know Guy Fieri listens, and I don't know if this will prevent it or cause it. You know what I'm saying? Like, I'm in that loop where I don't know if my action of saying it now, it's on his mind, and he's like, fuck. And then be like, I'm going to fucking do it then. Or if he's like, well, now, no, I can't kill anyone. I'm going to get close. I'm going to get close. But I know because I listen to friendly competition. I can't do this. Don't do it, guy. [00:20:24] Speaker B: Okay. If you don't see guy fury at the Super bowl, that means he heard and decided not to go because he doesn't want to kill. Wait, does he kill someone at the Super bowl or during the, like. [00:20:33] Speaker A: So it's like the pre show stuff. [00:20:35] Speaker B: Okay. [00:20:36] Speaker A: He's doing, like, a cooking demonstration. [00:20:38] Speaker B: Okay. [00:20:38] Speaker A: And let me just say, the person. [00:20:40] Speaker B: The Super bowl is known to have a lot of cooking demonstrations. [00:20:43] Speaker A: Happens all the know, like, good morning America's there, and they do stuff. And so anyway, basically, it's like a host, and they just do not understand how to do anything. And he gets so frustrated. And when I say he kills them, I mean, it looks like an accident. But he for sure turned that. He turned around real quick with that knife right at their stomach level. [00:21:07] Speaker B: Oh, so, yeah, okay, I get it. We've been there. [00:21:10] Speaker A: I think some people are choosing to believe that he didn't mean to. I saw it in his eyes. [00:21:17] Speaker B: I know what I saw. [00:21:18] Speaker A: Yeah, and you can't tell me I saw the look. I know that look because I've been there. [00:21:23] Speaker B: I've been to the future. I've seen death. They don't tell you this, actually, when you travel forward in time, you do have to look death directly in the eyes. Oh, yeah, that's it. But I know that sounds like, oh, you just have to look in the eyes. It's not that easy. [00:21:37] Speaker A: It's not great. No, that's the whole point. Because when you jump in the future death, like, wait, hold on. He's got to check his watch, and he's like, wait, were you scheduled to go yet? It's like, oh, wait, okay, no, you're fine. But you got to have that moment with death and be like, hey, I'm just trying to do my own thing. And they're like, yeah, it's like a border crossing. [00:21:54] Speaker B: It's like customs. [00:21:56] Speaker A: It's a customs. Because what if you're supposed to already be dead by the time you got there? What if you're not supposed to be there? Death's got to make a call. Yeah, sometimes he's chill, sometimes he's not. So it honestly depends on which death agent you get. [00:22:09] Speaker B: I think we should. Physics or whatever. Whoever's in charge of the universe, doctor Strange, I think Dr. Strange should let us build the time machine that only goes forward one week, because I don't think I could fuck that much shit up in one week. I don't think I got that much power. What could I possibly. [00:22:29] Speaker A: Because what would you even attempt to do, right? Assuming all laws are there and wherever, you just literally move forward a week in time. So you're in the exact same spot. So you're just still in Sioux Falls with all the same people, you know? And assuming that nothing catastrophic happened in that, you'd go up. What? You tell Catherine, like, hey, I'm from the future, or, I'm from the. [00:22:54] Speaker B: Everyday. There's no way she's going to believe it. [00:22:56] Speaker A: Yeah, that's fair. Yeah, you kind of set yourself up on that one. But going and tell your friends, like, hey, I'm actually from the past. What happened this week? They're like, well, I made a roast that was really proud. [00:23:08] Speaker B: Very good. [00:23:09] Speaker A: It was a very good roast. [00:23:10] Speaker B: Every Sunday, I go to the future in Sunday. Ask all my friends what was the best thing they cooked that week. I go back to my Sunday, and throughout the week, I just mooch off. [00:23:18] Speaker A: All my friends, just find I was cooking the best. Invite yourself over. [00:23:23] Speaker B: Yes. [00:23:24] Speaker A: Great. And how does that. Tell me how that messes up the timeline. Oh, I spent more time with my friends. [00:23:29] Speaker B: Yeah, I ate delicious duck fried rice. Alex, I know you made that. You didn't invite me. I'm so. It's like. [00:23:36] Speaker A: But had you have known that, and then you could have been like. You could have hit him up and be like, hey, man, I was thinking we do a little get together. Me and the wife, come over, hang out with you, you and the lady. [00:23:45] Speaker B: He's like, oh, yeah, we're free tonight. What are you doing? No, I was thinking Thursday. Just do your normal stuff. Thursday? [00:23:50] Speaker A: Yeah. Whatever you were thinking about doing on Thursday, do not change that, because it might actually impact the fabric of spacetime. [00:23:58] Speaker B: Wait, what? [00:23:59] Speaker A: Nothing. Just whatever you wanted to do. [00:24:01] Speaker B: See you Thursday. Yeah. I'm looking in nachos. [00:24:05] Speaker A: I'm with you here. Let's move nachos. Because I agree, as much as we. I think in another world, I think we would have picked chips. Oh, wait, Cody, this is actually messed up. [00:24:16] Speaker B: We did pick chips, didn't we last. [00:24:17] Speaker A: We did pick. I don't. I don't know. What? [00:24:21] Speaker B: Listen. [00:24:21] Speaker A: Cause obviously, I listened to the episode. [00:24:22] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. First thing. [00:24:24] Speaker A: First thing I did, I hopped out of the future. I was. Hey, I gotta check out my podcast, see how it goes. [00:24:29] Speaker B: Look, the numbers. [00:24:30] Speaker A: Yeah, exactly. And we did. So I don't know. I want to tell you right now, Cody, I'm fine with us branching off and creating a new timeline. We're hoping he doesn't kill. [00:24:45] Speaker B: Really hope. I really hope we get zombie Amy Winehouse, though, please. What if. [00:24:50] Speaker A: But see, now I'm going to feel bad, because if we don't pick chips and then Amy Winehouse doesn't show up, people are going to be like, fucking a, Nick, and I'm going to be. Sorry. [00:24:59] Speaker B: I'm sorry. Change. I mean, I still got to go with nachos. I can't lock in chips. And also, in my timeline, this is how it is. [00:25:06] Speaker A: That's fair. For you, nothing's different. For you, nothing is. You feel the flow of it. I can feel the branching right now. [00:25:12] Speaker B: Okay, so you're the one whose life's in danger. [00:25:15] Speaker A: I mean, danger is strong. I can tell that. This is. Honestly, this is probably. Now, everyone, write down all the things that you know to be true. Write down what the Berenstein. Write down how we spell Berenstein bears. Write down where Nelson Mandela died. Write down all of. Did Shaq make a movie where he was played by Simbad or something? I can't remember that one. Nonetheless, here's what I'm saying. I think we're at a point where we're going to get a new Mandela effect off of this moment right here. I don't know what it's going to be, honestly. I think it might be that Hillary Duff is in mean girls. I think there's one is in mean girls where Hillary, Lindsay Lohan is in mean girls. [00:25:56] Speaker B: No. What? [00:25:57] Speaker A: Wait, what? No, wait. [00:25:59] Speaker B: Hold on. [00:25:59] Speaker A: No, Lindsay Lohan is in. No, no. [00:26:01] Speaker B: Cody, Lindsay Lohan is in. Nick, it's happening. Oh, no, I can't bite it. It's Hillary Duff Nick. [00:26:12] Speaker A: Oh, no, it's too late. All right, let's go nachos then. If we've already. If we've already done it at this point, if we've already tampered enough, I say let's just do it. [00:26:22] Speaker B: Fingers crossed. Fingers crossed. [00:26:24] Speaker A: We saved someone's life. And maybe Amy Winehouse has to stay dead. Allegedly. [00:26:27] Speaker B: Hey, but that'll keep the blood moon from rising for another. [00:26:33] Speaker A: The tides. I don't get to pick the tides because I think the tides dictate the moon. [00:26:38] Speaker B: The moon dictates the tide. The blood moon. [00:26:40] Speaker A: Oh, that's not what death told me. But anyway. Yeah. I say we just move nachos on where it will go up against croco meat. Now. Croco meat. I know it feels like we're pretty locked in and it seems to be obvious, but let's try to say something bad about it, right? Let's try sloppy a little bit, right? [00:27:01] Speaker B: Sloppy. It's sloppy. It doesn't. [00:27:03] Speaker A: But then is it because we have toothpicks. [00:27:05] Speaker B: How sloppy is it? But you can't innovate the game of the croc of meat if you're doing just, like, the little smokies. It's the little smokies. And I want barbecue sauce. You can do dealer's choice on the barbecue sauce, I guess. But I don't want you to be mixing up the meat too much. [00:27:22] Speaker A: I think that's where. Because I was thinking about this, because I was like, maybe we'll mess around here for my Super bowl party. I'm like, why don't I put. Instead of doing grape jelly and chili sauce and whatever else you're supposed to do, what if I just made, like, a little spaghetti sauce now wieners in it? No, not wieners, but with meatballs. [00:27:42] Speaker B: Oh, like a marinara with. [00:27:44] Speaker A: Yeah, like a marinara. Put some meatballs in there. I could have, like, whether it's like breadsticks or garlic bread or even just. You could even just grab little. Make yourself. I know we're not talking about sliders, but I'm saying, what if there was some king's Hawaiians and you just open that up, toss yourself in a little meatball? [00:28:03] Speaker B: That's a good idea. [00:28:05] Speaker A: But then I felt. That felt wrong. Because if I see a crock pot, right? [00:28:11] Speaker B: Yes. [00:28:11] Speaker A: And if I'm walking towards that crock pot and I'm like, oh, that's the meat. That's that meat crock pot. And I look over and it's marinara and meatballs. I'm like, I see what you did here. [00:28:34] Speaker B: Because I'm going to open it up and be like, oh, I hope someone heard Nick. And they did the marinara thing so I can make a meatball sub. And it's going to be the swedish meatballs. The gravy in there. [00:28:42] Speaker A: Oh, dog. No. [00:28:45] Speaker B: And then we fucking this. Yeah. [00:28:47] Speaker A: Oh, dog. We have to get back. [00:28:49] Speaker B: It's too late, dude, did you write down the dude's phone number that you watched the game with? Who was this man? [00:28:54] Speaker A: A big part of the NDA. [00:28:56] Speaker B: Okay. [00:28:58] Speaker A: That's, like, a real big part of the NDA. And also, I'm not proud of this, but I'll tell you right now, he was a little musky, okay? I wouldn't call him one of my exes, but he might have a few of his own. [00:29:17] Speaker B: Oh, it's swift. Oh, because the exes. [00:29:22] Speaker A: No, it was Elon Musk. [00:29:24] Speaker B: That can't be true, because the NDA. [00:29:26] Speaker A: Exactly. I didn't break my NDA. [00:29:28] Speaker B: Taylor Swift. [00:29:29] Speaker A: I didn't do it. [00:29:29] Speaker B: Nick's winking at me. You can't. But he's definitely winking at me. [00:29:33] Speaker A: No, because I don't want you to know I hung out with Elon Musk for time travel. For time travel sake. [00:29:38] Speaker B: First of all, if you hung out with Elon Musk just to time travel, I wouldn't even be upset at the time. I'd be like, dog. Was it worth it, though? [00:29:47] Speaker A: That's why I didn't want to tell you. Why do you think I didn't want to tell you? I wanted to take the opportunity to time travel, and then when I got there, and I didn't know it was Elon Musk when I did it, but then I was there, and it was Elon Musk, and I was like, well, I'm here. [00:30:00] Speaker B: Better go for a ride, I guess. Travel through time. I get it. Yeah, I get. I would have done the same thing. Where are you at on this? I honestly think it's got to be the cruck of the meat, dude. [00:30:09] Speaker A: It's the one thing I want to believe, that I'd be more excited about the nachos, but that's just not true. And it's so simple, and I think that's the beauty of it, right? [00:30:22] Speaker B: The nachos is perfect for your three bites. The first three chips you get are great. And after that, the degradation has begun. Yeah. [00:30:29] Speaker A: And I'm so excited that someone made it or did a nacho bar. I'm like, this was so cool. Thank you for doing that. From the standpoint of effort, cost, efficiency, all you got to do is take meat, open package, dump in crock pot, add sauce, turn on low, done, leave. [00:30:49] Speaker B: That's it. Go buy beer. Right? [00:30:51] Speaker A: Go do anything else. But now you have what is a staple of the Super bowl party community, and you didn't have to do anything. Whereas if you want to make a nacho bar, I'm not going to run through all the steps because you can see where it's like you're going to get lost in the sauce there. [00:31:08] Speaker B: Here's the deal. I'm going to love a nacho bar, and you've done the Lord's work, and it's a valuable number two. But we're talking everything. Like Nick said. We got efficiency, time, flavor, taste, dependability. I got to go crock a meat. [00:31:20] Speaker A: Unless this means now, in this current present day future, we'll know. You'll find out if we do an episode on Monday that comes out and says, final four, super bowl food revisited. [00:31:32] Speaker B: Okay. Yeah. [00:31:33] Speaker A: Because if I go to one of these parties and there's swedish meatballs in a crock pot, then I'm done with this earth and I'm going back. [00:31:43] Speaker B: That's what I was trying to say. The one thing I hate, when there's. [00:31:45] Speaker A: Swedish meatballs in the pot, it seems unfathomable. But once again, I travel through time. So who am I? [00:31:53] Speaker B: You've never had that happen? No. You've never been at a Super bowl party and got hit with the swedish meatball? [00:31:58] Speaker A: Only ever had the straight up meatballs that are like. I mean, it's either, like, barbecue sauce or, like, the grape jelly, chili, whatever. Like that. [00:32:06] Speaker B: No, I've had swedish meatballs at the Super bowl party, and it's fucked up. [00:32:10] Speaker A: I can't even imagine this. This seems insane to me. [00:32:14] Speaker B: This feels. [00:32:15] Speaker A: Once again, I hope what you all got from this, from this series was like, keep it simple, stupid. There is the thing that everyone wants to see. There is no need for innovation at the Super bowl party. Go for the lowest common denominator, and that is what will make for a good Super bowl. Good Super bowl food party. You do not have to get wild on. There are holidays and there are events that are meant for this. The Super bowl is not one of them. [00:32:44] Speaker B: Absolutely. And that's what we got to lock in. Crock and meat. Dude, just throw in that good old barbecue sauce. Quick. What's your barbecue sauce you go to? Honestly? [00:32:51] Speaker A: Probably sweet baby rays. [00:32:52] Speaker B: Okay. Not bad. I like blueshog or porkosaurus. I think those are both good, too. [00:32:57] Speaker A: I like a more original one, but there's something about sweet baby rays. In mass, on a lot of stuff, it finds itself. It just really blends in nicely with everything. But that's like, if I'm cooking you ribs, you ain't going to get soup baby rays. We're going to get something fancy. But for Crocker meat, soup, baby rays? Hell, yeah. All right. That is it, folks. Crock of meat is the champion. Thank you all so much for listening to this episode of friendly competition. If you want about your boys, here's a few things that you can do. As always. Share with a friend, tell a friend, wherever you're listening to us, make sure you hit that. Like that. Follow that. Subscribe. Give us those five stars, please. Another way you can help us is you can give us some money, because I'm going to tell you what, I don't know if this will happen now. [00:33:40] Speaker B: Okay. Yeah. [00:33:41] Speaker A: I can't promise this because of obviously, yeah. [00:33:44] Speaker B: We've already broken the time continuum, but. [00:33:46] Speaker A: The time continuum, it's chiefs over niners 30 412. [00:33:51] Speaker B: Wow. Okay. [00:33:53] Speaker A: It's kind of a route, and it is a lot of Travis Kelsey doing it, too. It's kind of this dominant. You can tell he got the ring in his pocket. You can tell that he is like, no. If I'm going to propose to Taylor Swift on here, I better dis. You can't just have, like, a one touchdown game. [00:34:14] Speaker B: Can you imagine being Travis Kelsey, right? Yeah. And you started dating this girl at the beginning. Not even a year yet. [00:34:20] Speaker A: And not even a year. [00:34:21] Speaker B: The biggest day of your life. These guys have trained. We have to put it in this perspective. These men have literally, since they've had memories, trained for this. This is all they've ever wanted. You don't get to be in the NFL at this high of a level without dedicating your whole being, spirit, mind, body and soul to it. And he's got random people on the Internet said he's going to propose. [00:34:44] Speaker A: Why wouldn't you propose? This is the greatest station. You're like, because I have a job to do. That's the other thing to think about. Would you ever propose at your job? Even if it was a great day at your job, the best day at your job? Promotion. You got a promotion. You're going to invite your girlfriend to the promotion party and then be like, oh, I want to get married to you here. No, why would you do that? [00:35:09] Speaker B: And now they're putting all this on the guy. Let the guy catch the ball and run. He catches the ball and runs. [00:35:15] Speaker A: He do so good at that. Let him focus on that. He already has his girlfriend in the stance. That's pressure enough. And then at the end, everyone's like, you're going to either the fact that people are like, he's either going to propose or they're going to get on that stage. Which also, to be clear, no one who isn't a player or an owner is allowed on that stage. Kevin Hart. And Kevin Hart has been at his biggest for a long time. This is when he was at one of his peaks. He was there when Philadelphia won and they were like, kevin Hart, you can't come on the know. He's like, I'm Kevin Hart. They're like, that's not the problem that Taylor Swift and Travis Kelsey are going to get on stage and be like, I want to thank you all for coming. Vote for be like, this is a bit then, right? Because why would you win? [00:36:01] Speaker B: Why? Yeah. And if you have any ideas for stuff like that to do, email them to us at [email protected], instagram, Twitter and x at friendlycompod. [00:36:11] Speaker A: As always, shout out to charizard for that introductory music. You want to hear more of their stuff. And over to bandcamp, type in charizard and replace the vowels with sixes. That is going to be it for us, folks. We got a new season coming out on Monday. But until then, I've been Nick Carey. [00:36:25] Speaker B: And I'm Cody Luna. See you on the boat.

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