Welcome to group D where we figure out the last entry into the finals. We have some spicy regional takes, emojis, logos, and we find a new criteria for moving a seed on to the next round.
3. Hardee's v 14. Panda Express
6. Arby's v 11. Wendy's
We open the forbidden book, and teach you about the deep and profound lore of the Spongebob universe. Join us if your mind, and...
We have decided your favorite X-men so you don't have to. This episode has everything, fashion, wrestling, Megan Thee Stallion. Follow us at: https://www.facebook.com/friendlycomppod/...
We finally decide to take on the most difficult, and contorversial bracket of all time. We cracked open the 16 pack of Crayola Crayons...