Group B Modern Marvels

Episode 2 November 22, 2023 00:30:26
Group B Modern Marvels
Friendly Competition
Group B Modern Marvels

Nov 22 2023 | 00:30:26


Show Notes

Has medicine gone too far, or not too far enough? As Thanksgiving approaches we are diving into the modern marvels we are most thankful for, and our friendship is once again put to the test because Nick can't accept the truth. 

4. Clean Drinking Water v 13. HVAC

5. Modern Medicine v 12. Internet

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[00:00:25] Speaker A: Lena discuss various pop culture topics and narrow it down to truly the best of all time. [00:00:31] Speaker B: Or as we like to call it, the boat. Before he step foot on the boat, we put him into a Sweet 16 style tournament. We argue each round till we decide a winner. Nick, what kind of views we decide he steps foot on the boat, whatever. [00:00:41] Speaker A: The hell we want. Cody, do you want to tell them what we're talking about this season? [00:00:44] Speaker B: Absolutely. We are talking about the greatest things to ever be conceived by modern men and women that have been put onto this planet to make our lives easier and more convenient. [00:00:54] Speaker A: Or honestly, in some of these, I think, made it worse. We'll get into it. But there's one on here that I'm like, maybe would have been better off. Maybe. [00:01:04] Speaker B: Yeah, I know exactly which one you're talking about. Clean water. [00:01:07] Speaker A: Yeah, clean water. I'm like, why did we do that? Imagine where our immunities would be right now if through evolution who gives a. [00:01:16] Speaker B: Shit about our immunities? Instead of drinking clean water, I could be having a beer right now. But now, since water is so clean and pure, I'm expected to drink eight glasses of this shit every day. [00:01:25] Speaker A: Yeah, that's a good point, too. Yeah. They were like, hey, man, we know that you should not drink any of the water in that lake. But what we do is we take that lake water and then we mix it and we heat it up with that barley mash over there and those hops. You can drink that, but you definitely don't drink the lake stuff. Okay? [00:01:41] Speaker B: Exactly. Right now, it's like, have you had six glasses of water today? Not yet. Oh, you better get on it. Imagine if my wife came up to me, it's like, how many beers have you had? I'm like eleven. She's like, you need at least three more today. [00:01:51] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:01:52] Speaker B: Damn it. [00:01:52] Speaker A: I'm really worried about you. Okay? [00:01:54] Speaker B: You're not worried about your health. You need to have some more beer. [00:01:57] Speaker A: Not going to be hydrated enough. My guy. Son of a bitch. I still want to believe what kind of superheroes we would have become if we just kept it going on through the line. And we just like, the lumber is like, I'm drinking the lake water. [00:02:10] Speaker B: No one ever takes that into account either. When they're thinking about back in the day, it's like the average lifespan was 30 years. [00:02:15] Speaker A: Yeah, they were fucking drunk the whole time, my dude. Dude, if you were wasted from the ages of, like, ten to for 20 years, that's a pretty solid life. [00:02:25] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. [00:02:26] Speaker A: You're not too bummed out about going out that early. You're like, man, because eventually the party is going to die off. You're going to feel like, this is great. [00:02:34] Speaker B: How could all these people be caught up in the mania of, like, witch hunting and burning the witch dog? They were blackout drunk. If you ran up to me when I'm drunk as hell and you're like, there's a witch outside, I might believe you. [00:02:46] Speaker A: And I might be like, let's fucking burn them. [00:02:48] Speaker B: Let's get that damn witch. [00:02:49] Speaker A: Let's go fucking burn that witch, dude. Yeah. I am susceptible to so many ideas intoxicated I'm just saying we got to. [00:02:57] Speaker B: Start taking that shit into account. When we think about people back in the day and their decision making process, they were considerably more drunk than we usually are. [00:03:04] Speaker A: We've said this a million times. We'll say it again. Historians are the worst people that look at history because they're not funny. Historians are not funny people, so they never understand that, like, hey, man, throughout time memoriam, we've been funny and we've been doing pranks. We've never stopped pranking. And so some of this shit is pranks, dog. Some of it's just pranks. That's not just a Trojan horse. [00:03:27] Speaker B: That was funny as fuck, though, wasn't. [00:03:29] Speaker A: It was funny, dog. They got them, though. They did get there. [00:03:32] Speaker B: You think when guys are just pouring out of that horse's asshole, stabbing everybody, they're like, Damn it, you got us. [00:03:38] Speaker A: That's pretty good. [00:03:39] Speaker B: It's pretty good. [00:03:40] Speaker A: Got to be honest. This is a pretty good one, I got to say. Love it. Love it. A on the execution. Bad for us, but so pumped. It's like when one of your friends, like, you guys are going back and forth just roasting each other and one of your friends just cuts you so deep, but all you can do is give them respect for, like, damn. That is such a targeted and specific insult to, like, basically, like, me telling you that you're the Corey of our group and I'm the Sean now and how much that destroys you inside. [00:04:11] Speaker B: I think when I say I'm the Sean, you're the Corey, it equally destroys you, and that's why you constantly bring it up, because. [00:04:19] Speaker A: I was fine when I was the Corey and I knew I was the Corey, and then when I became the Sean, I was obviously more fine because it was better. Everyone wants to be the Sean, but. [00:04:28] Speaker B: You can't do the Sean. [00:04:29] Speaker A: I get why the backward slide into Corey is not exciting. I understand that, Cody, but you have dog, we didn't even say that your name is Cody and his name is Corey. It just lines up. [00:04:42] Speaker B: Dude, names have nothing to do with this. Also, if you had to get rid of drinking water or air conditioning, you get rid of drinking water every time, bro. I can enjoy a beer while I'm chilling in an air conditioned house. [00:04:54] Speaker A: Folks, we are here talking about things that we are thankful for. Shout out to Carl for the list. Shout out to the motorboaters who helped when we posted it on Facebook. And here we are in group B. So we took that list of 16 that we made sent to our brachatologist they kicked it back to us. So we're here in Group B, where we have the four seed clean drinking water going up against the 13 seed HVAC, your heating, your AC, and then we have the fifth seed modern medicine going up against the twelve seed Internet. Let's just stay on clean drinking water since we have been chatting about that. But yes, I do agree with you to some extent. I know it's dumb to say, but if you were like, hey, man, you could either have pure water coming out of your faucet, or your house could always be 65 degrees. I know how dumb it is to say it's not even a choice. It's not even a battle. [00:05:46] Speaker B: No, I got to take that HVAC, baby. [00:05:49] Speaker A: I'm going to take it every time. Even if that meant I had to go to the store and get big, like, 20 gallon drums, and then I use it's. [00:05:57] Speaker B: Also, like, you can't drink the water. I've been to Mexico. I adapted, adapt, and overcome every time. [00:06:04] Speaker A: I'm technically not supposed to drink the water that comes from my faucet. I have to have a little water filter, which I'm glad hey, shout out to society for making those. But also, I'm out here, dude. Also, dude, we grew up in buff elder. Every year, they would be like, hey, man, this water is, like, really not. It's got more uranium than any water should ever have, and water should have zero uranium. [00:06:30] Speaker B: This has got considerably more than that. [00:06:33] Speaker A: So any amount over zero is way too much. And we were just like, people care less about that fact. Like, I don't know, man. It kind of tasty, though. [00:06:43] Speaker B: It did have a little flavor to it. Added that little mineral flavor that I like crazy. [00:06:49] Speaker A: I like that spicy box elder water. I miss it sometimes. So it's just truly, we as a society, as much as we know how important clean drinking water is. We still haven't fixed flint, by the way. [00:07:03] Speaker B: But I guarantee if you're telling me I can have a perfectly comfortable house, but instead of water, I'm going to have to make myself a nice glass of tea. I'll just make the nice glass of tea. [00:07:12] Speaker A: Going to be fine. Technically, the water you're putting in there bad. But also I get what you're saying. Yeah, you boiled it. Yeah. [00:07:20] Speaker B: Boil it. We're good to go. Hey. What? [00:07:22] Speaker A: It okay. I don't want to sound dumb if. [00:07:23] Speaker B: It'S never stopped you before, but what's. [00:07:26] Speaker A: The science on boiling water? [00:07:27] Speaker B: So the science on boiling water would help you if there's bacteria and stuff in it because it would kill that. But if there's, like, uranium and lead in the water, you're not helping that. [00:07:36] Speaker A: Why is it so in my brain? Dumb? I'm not a scientist, and I never claim to be because I feel like you're supposed to when you boil it. There's some part of me that believes you should skim the top of the water like that somehow. The bad stuff. We wouldn't need to do that. There would be no need to skim. [00:07:56] Speaker B: The top of it. This is microscopic organisms that are just in the water, my boy. [00:08:00] Speaker A: Okay. Thank. Just double checking on that. [00:08:05] Speaker B: So you're saying the water is going to look clean, you're going to boil it, and once it's done boiling, there's just going to be a film at the top all of a sudden? [00:08:11] Speaker A: Yeah, dog. Yes. [00:08:15] Speaker B: If that happens, do get rid of that film. I don't know what that is. [00:08:19] Speaker A: It's not that I fully believe that, but there's just a part of me. Here's what would happen. I'd be on Survivor, right? And we win our challenge and we'd get a pot and we'd get a fire starter. And so we'd be out there boiling our water because they gave us little mac and cheese cups. We're all excited. We're boiling our water. And then you'd watch me just taking, like a spoon and scraping the top off and everyone be like, the fuck are you doing? You got to skim the top when you're trying to purify the water. Everyone knows that. And the rest of the tribe would be like, hey, my guy Probes. Can you come over? We're going to kick him out now. [00:08:55] Speaker B: Can we do it real quick? [00:08:57] Speaker A: We don't have to wait. I don't want to wait two days. This guy's a fucking idiot. [00:08:59] Speaker B: We don't even need the whole ceremony. Let's just get him up. [00:09:02] Speaker A: Yeah. This idiot is going to kill us all somehow. [00:09:05] Speaker B: Okay. I'm glad we're both going to take HVAC. I can see it. But the problem I have is like, is this the dumbest thing we've ever done? [00:09:14] Speaker A: It can't be, right? [00:09:17] Speaker B: It is water, though, like the thing that we all need to live. [00:09:21] Speaker A: The necessity for life and all things. [00:09:25] Speaker B: Fuck that. [00:09:27] Speaker A: But the question is, what are you most thankful for? We said this already. Go back to 1776. You know, we bring those drunk assholes in Philadelphia clean water. They're going to be like, get that shit out of here, dude. [00:09:41] Speaker B: Nah, dog. [00:09:42] Speaker A: Put that AC unit in, though. This building's hot as fuck. It is Philadelphia in the summer and we're in wool we're wearing wool suits and wigs. [00:09:54] Speaker B: I got pantaloons on my dog. Please put the turn on that AC. [00:09:58] Speaker A: Turn that fucking AC. So they would also be like, dude, I don't give a fuck about I didn't care about it before. You're not going to make me care about it all of a sudden. But you have a device that can make this room cold. Get it in here. [00:10:10] Speaker B: I think we're locking in HVAC. I think that's what we got to do. [00:10:13] Speaker A: It's the only thing that makes sense. I mean, once again, if we gave this bracket to scientists and historians and anthropologists and whoever, yeah, they're probably going to be lame and go with clean drinking water. But that's because they're idiots. Fucking dorks, dude. But in their hearts, they know they wanted to pick HVAC. But like, you can't. [00:10:35] Speaker B: Yeah, well, they're also not as cool as us. I've had the Far East movement featuring cataracts and Dev like a G six playing on repeat in my headphones since we talked about it, because that's how cool and hard I am. [00:10:45] Speaker A: Yeah. I didn't know why you need to talk about your penis. But anyway, we'll move on. Horror. [00:10:50] Speaker B: Okay. Modern medicine versus the Internet. Nick, I think we're going to do something stupid again, honestly. [00:10:55] Speaker A: Okay. I got a beef with modern medicine because just one beef. I feel like we've done too much medicine. I think we need to slow down. We've discovered too many diseases. Because now when I go to the doctor and they're, uh I don't know, man. It could be like one of four things. We're just going to have to kind of wait and see how it plays out. We can maybe run a couple of tests. But how many times do you go to the doctor and they don't fucking know? Because there's just too much options. Back in the day, doctors used to just freestyle on the beat. You'd show up and they would just be like, dog, you got ghosts in your humors, dude. Give me them leeches. [00:11:29] Speaker B: Give me the leeches. [00:11:30] Speaker A: I got you, dude. And you know what we don't hear about people? It not working. Everyone seems to have been like that seemed to have helped because the everybody. [00:11:40] Speaker B: Was super healthy until the age of 30 where they all just died. [00:11:43] Speaker A: Yeah, exactly. Everyone everyone looks like Arnold Schwarzenegger. And everyone was beautiful and healthy. No disease was not rat polio, probably because they were drinking all that clean water all of a sudden. [00:11:56] Speaker B: Now I'm saying we bring it back. I'm saying modern medicine I agree with you. Modern medicine come too far. But do you think it's gone so far that if I went to the doctor and I was having whatever have a problem, and they're like, dog, we did an X ray and turns out you got a skeleton in there. We need to get it out. I'm going to put these leeches on you. We got to get that skeleton. Suck that. Would I believe it? You got to believe the doctor, right? You got to trust your doctor. [00:12:17] Speaker A: Yeah, but that's the thing. [00:12:20] Speaker B: Especially if I'm at the Mayo Clinic and he's like, we got to get that skeleton out of there. There's a spooky skeleton in there. [00:12:25] Speaker A: Dog, this is terrifying. I'm looking at this X ray right now. You have a full skeleton in your body as we're speaking. [00:12:32] Speaker B: Right now. [00:12:33] Speaker A: Inside of you is a full skeleton. We got to do something. [00:12:36] Speaker B: I've never seen anything like this in my life. It's like a Halloween movie come to life. [00:12:40] Speaker A: All right, I'm going to give you this leather strap. You're going to bite down on that. Can you give me that chainsaw, please? We're going to do this, budy. We're going to help you out today. The thing I like about the past is it at least felt like the doctor tried to do something for you. [00:12:54] Speaker B: Yeah, they were always trying their best, even if they didn't give up too soon. [00:12:58] Speaker A: No, exactly. They weren't just like, man, could you. [00:13:01] Speaker B: Have you considered I have ghosts in my humors. Have you considered that? [00:13:05] Speaker A: Yeah, I asked the doctor every time. I'm like, did you check for the ghosts in my humors? And they were like, that's not even a real thing. I'm like, oh, really? Because all these books from the past seem to imply it was a real thing to have checked. So I don't know why you're skipping it all of a sudden. [00:13:21] Speaker B: You didn't even offer to prescribe me cocaine. Not once. [00:13:24] Speaker A: No opium, no nothing. [00:13:26] Speaker B: What? [00:13:27] Speaker A: You're a terrible doctor. Doctors are now like, honestly, it's probably a concussion. I mean, you said you ran headfirst into a wall. It's probably a concussion. Side effects could last anywhere between a day to probably two weeks. If you're feeling a little loopy, just lie down, okay? That's all I can prescribe. That is the lamest shit. You're going to make me pay you $400 for that? [00:13:51] Speaker B: Tell me to lay down? No, give me a fucking eight ball. [00:13:55] Speaker A: Yeah, that'll make me feel alert all of a sudden. I'll be, hey, and when you start you ran headfirst into a wall. Yeah. What we've discovered is sometimes you're going to feel a little off. So here's some coke and just take that. The second you start feeling a little weird, this will bring you right back up. Feeling right, like yourself. You're like, thank you, Doc. [00:14:14] Speaker B: Exactly. That's what I needed. [00:14:16] Speaker A: Not this bullshit of just like, get some rest. Rest is one of the best things we can do for our bodies. [00:14:22] Speaker B: Bullshit, dude. Also, okay, so we have the Internet. This is the problem I have. I love the Internet, and I spend a lot of time on the Internet. We're currently on the Internet doing this show. Very important to our lifestyle. But also modern medicine helps me because I suffer from severe anxiety and a little depression and all that. And those pills help me with that so I can spend more time on the Internet, which the Internet may be causing these problems. Is the internet the problem? [00:14:46] Speaker A: If we unplug one of them, which. [00:14:48] Speaker B: One need the other? [00:14:49] Speaker A: Yeah, right. Because once again, I feel like you wouldn't have any of these problems if your doctor was prescribing you meth. [00:14:56] Speaker B: I'd be fucking wide awake. Ready to go, Doc? [00:15:00] Speaker A: Anxiety? Why? You're a god. [00:15:02] Speaker B: I am the dragon. Right? [00:15:04] Speaker A: What am I scared of? Nothing to be afraid of, dude. Give me some more of that special liquid, Doc. Thank you. [00:15:11] Speaker B: Yeah, your doctor does prescribe you meth. [00:15:12] Speaker A: You're doing all right, that's true. But baby meth, it's not real meth. Yeah, we need this schoolboy bullshit. I'm tired of this stepped on bullshit. Want the real stuff. All of a sudden, that's what I. [00:15:23] Speaker B: Really want, the Internet. I play a lot of games. I'm watching the Far East movement featuring cataracts and dev, like a G six official video on repeat over here. That's nice. I got nick. I get to talk to you every week. Is the Internet, but also modern medicine to be keeping us alive, though it. [00:15:38] Speaker A: Has helped me out a lot. [00:15:39] Speaker B: A lot, yeah. Your ankle. If you didn't have modern medicine, we'd have to cut your foot off. [00:15:42] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. Every time I go, man, you know doctors, when they discovered how to cut shit off, they must have been chomping at the bit to do that. [00:15:51] Speaker B: I'm going to cut you. [00:15:52] Speaker A: Hey, Doc, I was walking through the fields and I rolled my ankle on the trail. It just hurts a little bit. Any ideas? I hate to tell you this, son, but by a doubt on this leather strap, we're going to take that shit off, dude. [00:16:06] Speaker B: Sorry, bro. [00:16:08] Speaker A: What are you going to give me instead? We got these big sticks that will attach to the end of your leg. [00:16:14] Speaker B: If we got rid of modern medicine but kept the Internet, do you think people would just look cooler? More eye patches, less hands, more eel scars, burn wounds. [00:16:23] Speaker A: Wait, say that one more time. It was if we got we got. [00:16:27] Speaker B: Rid of modern medicine, but we keep the Internet, people on the Internet is going to look really cool. [00:16:32] Speaker A: Imagine all the because there would still be, quote unquote, like Doctor Reddit, like forums and stuff, and just the way they would be like yeah, another guy came in telling me, just full of ghosts, man. Any recommendations you guys have for ghosts? I just don't think leeches are cutting it anymore. Have you just tried to bleed them? I found if I just cut the bottoms of their feet and just let them kind of bleed out for about a good 30 minutes, all of a sudden their problems seem to go away. [00:17:03] Speaker B: Yeah, they take a nap, a nice long nap, and when they come to, they don't complain anymore. [00:17:08] Speaker A: Yeah, it's great. Thank you so much. I've been needing this advice. [00:17:14] Speaker B: The problem we have now is that the internet is like that even though we have modern medicine also. [00:17:19] Speaker A: Yeah. Or there are people like I was actually on a forum that real doctors are on and they said that you should be cutting my feet and bleeding me out. Why aren't you trying that, doc? And please stop doing your own research, please. [00:17:34] Speaker B: Lexapro doesn't come from the ground. I need doctors to treat me with. [00:17:37] Speaker A: Just vinegar and you. Okay, but let's look at it this way. If we didn't have modern medicine, if we had better modern medicine, do we have emily Dickinson? Do we have Poe? Do we have King? Like, where is Stephen King? Medicated? Like, I feel like, okay. [00:17:57] Speaker B: Are you telling me Taylor Swift without modern medicine, we wouldn't have Swift? [00:18:02] Speaker A: I maybe I wonder or would she be heavier? You know what saying? Like, she's got to be on a big mix of pills. [00:18:10] Speaker B: If we got rid of she's on a cocktail that I just want to sip and just see where that just. [00:18:16] Speaker A: A little touch of it simply a. [00:18:18] Speaker B: Touch of that tbird. Let's go. Come on. Share. All right. Or at least give me the recipe. I'll make it at home. I'm a mixologist. Okay. [00:18:25] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:18:26] Speaker B: I think without modern medicine, football would be better. They'd be hitting each other hard. And we wouldn't know about CTE. We wouldn't know about CTE. So it'd be like we'd still have those highlight videos of people just getting murdered. [00:18:36] Speaker A: Yeah, well, I mean, it would be one of those situations where careers much shorter because once again, you come off the field saying your shoulder hurts and Doc's like, won't bite down on this leather strap dog. We're going to take that off, dude. I think we would have gotten closer to maybe more Frankenstein stuff, though, because I think we would just be like, I don't know. That guy's dead and his arm worked. So let me try this out. Just aren't trying enough. We're too cautious with modern medicine. [00:19:02] Speaker B: What are you locking in? Where are you at? [00:19:03] Speaker A: This is actually insanely hard, and I don't know if there's a right answer because they do feel almost hand in glove a little bit. Yeah, like you said. [00:19:12] Speaker B: Because I don't need a lot of modern medicine, but when I do need it, boy, am I glad it's there. [00:19:17] Speaker A: Yeah, big time. [00:19:18] Speaker B: Boy, am I glad it's there. My appendix ruptured when I was 30 and almost died. If we didn't have modern medicine, they would have been like, I guess we're just going to have to bleed that ghost out of you. [00:19:30] Speaker A: Oh, you got one of the painful ghosts. I've heard of this. [00:19:32] Speaker B: Yeah, this is the worst, dude. [00:19:33] Speaker A: Dude, I'm going to tell you, right? Oh, God. Not many people make it past painful. Go, dude, that's insane. That appendix bursting is so common, surgeons literally could probably are probably drunk and could still do an appendectomy. It is considered to be, like one of the easiest quickest surgeries they can do. But before modern medicine figured that out, people just died. That's insane to me that there is just like, man, you just died. They just look at you like, that's tough, man. [00:20:05] Speaker B: All right. I'm lucky. I do three, two, one. [00:20:08] Speaker A: Okay. Yeah. [00:20:08] Speaker B: Three, two, one. Modern. [00:20:12] Speaker A: Modern medicine. [00:20:13] Speaker B: Got to do it, dude. Also, I think without the internet, I'd probably be happier. [00:20:18] Speaker A: Once again, we understand. We make this show on the Internet. You listen to it because of the Internet. [00:20:25] Speaker B: I enjoy the Far East movement featuring cataracts and dev, like a G Six official video. Because of the Internet. [00:20:31] Speaker A: Because of the Internet. But realistically, we're not changing lives here. You don't need this shit. Thank you so much for listening and making us a part of whatever your schedule is and that you incorporate us into it. It's amazing that anyone listens to this, but also, Cody and I could just talk on the telephone and do this, and we would probably get almost the. [00:20:53] Speaker B: Same out of yeah, like, spiritually probably the same more. [00:20:57] Speaker A: Cody, wouldn't that actually be kind of crazy if just we had, like, a weekly phone call where I make up a bracket, I tell you what's on it, and then we just talk through it? Our wives would hate us because we'd be like, oh, babe, today when Cody and I were talking about things, we were most thankful you wouldn't believe this shit. [00:21:13] Speaker B: All right, I'm lucky to modern medicine. [00:21:15] Speaker A: Dude, I'm with you here. I'm with you here. Okay, so we have modern medicine going up against HVAC. [00:21:22] Speaker B: I'm just imagining sitting in my house, it's 110 degrees outside. It's at 95 in my house, I'm sweating my ass off. And someone's like, well, thank God that we have pills for diabetes. I'm like, you'll fuck your diabetes. [00:21:35] Speaker A: I don't give a shit. [00:21:37] Speaker B: It's so hot. [00:21:38] Speaker A: It's so hot. [00:21:39] Speaker B: Dude, I don't care. [00:21:41] Speaker A: It is one of those things. And there is something to be said that the fact that we get to live in a more modern part of society, where it is more common than not to be in air conditioned spaces, and that there are parts of the world that don't have it. But, man, anytime I see that shit, I am just like, hey, big guy up there, thank you so much for putting me here. I would not make it in parts of the world where they're just like, AC. What is that? We know. All right. You just live in your house, and if it's 90 degrees outside, it's 90 degrees inside. I am such a whiny little bitch that the reason why I would have died at 30 is because people were so sick and tired of me complaining that they murdered me. [00:22:20] Speaker B: Yeah, I'm at the point. So what I'm thinking about this bracket is, like, I come to the realization that I could live without the Internet, right? [00:22:26] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:22:27] Speaker B: Can I live? I don't want to be that fucking hot. I'm a delicate flower. I'll wilt. I'll wilt. [00:22:32] Speaker A: I mean, we're saying hot, but also think about cold. So cold dog. Because when I lived in California, the houses aren't super well insulated, and very few of them actually have, like, a true heating unit. And so when it was 50 degrees outside, which I know doesn't sound that bad, like, right now it's 50 degrees outside, and I cannot wait to be outside enjoying that. But when your house is 50 degrees constantly, it's chilly dog. My hands were so cold and so tight all the time. I was miserable. I was under so many blankets. Dog and instead I now have a heater that I can just I got a flip, my little heat switch. And now I'm like, my house is. [00:23:14] Speaker B: Always 69 degrees because it's the most comfortable and funniest temperature. You can keep a house. [00:23:18] Speaker A: Yeah. I'm so glad God made 69 degrees. Is that why we're not getting rid of Fahrenheit? Because for us, we're like dog, what. [00:23:25] Speaker B: Are you going to do? You guys got to switch to Celsius. Like, really, though, bro? Really, though? [00:23:30] Speaker A: Because 69 degrees Celsius is like 150 degrees or something. It's hot as shit. So we're never going to see 69 degrees. Okay, so not even fun, dog. It's not funny. [00:23:42] Speaker B: Name one funny temperature. I can set my house in Celsius. One. Just fucking one. [00:23:47] Speaker A: Yeah. Oh, you got nothing. Nothing. You got nothing. We have 69 degrees and it's perfect, by the way. That is the Lord's temperature for your house is 69 degrees. I know some of you are like, I'm more of a 71. Some of you are like, actually more of a 67. That's fine. But you can survive in 69. You're like, okay, everybody can survive. I'll be good. I'll be fine at 69. You know what I'm saying? It's the Lord's temperature and it's funny as fuck. It's so funny. Every time. Every time I set the when I get into a hotel and I go set it to 69. Every time, like, nice, so good. [00:24:26] Speaker B: So I can live without the Internet, but can I live without HVAC? I don't think I can. I think I'd rather be comfortable for 30 years than hot for 80. [00:24:35] Speaker A: I'm telling you. Let's go back let's go back in time. I'm just saying. I don't know what years these were invented on, but I have a feeling the year the polio vaccine came out, if that was the same year the air conditioning came out, I think society would have awarded the air conditioner as the greatest invention of that year. Like, they'd be super pumped about the polio vaccine because, I mean, obviously it was doing a lot of damage and crippling people and putting them in terror. It's awful. We all understand that. But for everyone else, I feel like they're like, I mean, I don't have polio. [00:25:06] Speaker B: Dude, we've had the air conditioning longer than we've had polio vaccine. [00:25:09] Speaker A: No shit. [00:25:10] Speaker B: Fuck yeah. So even scientists know what's up. They were like, we got to solve. [00:25:14] Speaker A: This problem first and foremost. I don't care. I don't know, man. You got a weird disease that makes your body weak. That sucks. Do you know in this room right. [00:25:23] Speaker B: Now, do you understand? [00:25:25] Speaker A: It is so uncomfortable. [00:25:26] Speaker B: No, HVAC. I think HVAC is what modernized medicine. Because once people could be comfortable, once we could control the situation, then we could actually start to study this stuff. I. [00:25:36] Speaker A: Mean, it's kind of a hierarchy of needs, right? Once you're no longer sweating your balls off or just chattering your teeth and you can just finally be like, okay, I can just think, all right, it's stable. You're at a stable environment. Your shelter is set. What I'm saying, dog, I know this is dumb, and I know it's wrong, but I think I got to go HVAC. [00:26:02] Speaker B: I got to go HVAC, too. Dude, I'm right there with you, ho. [00:26:04] Speaker A: Dude, we're on the same page every time. It's one of those things where my brain is so actively like, it's like we're doing the bad thing, but it's so loud. The whole rest of the brain is like, yeah, but you know what you want. [00:26:17] Speaker B: Can't ignore it. [00:26:18] Speaker A: Take it. Take it, man. You know what you want? You need that shit. You need HVAC dog. It's so good. It is so good. Walking. Are there better, simple pleasures in life than going from 90 degrees outside to walking into your 69 degree house? [00:26:38] Speaker B: It's so good. [00:26:41] Speaker A: It's zero degrees outside, and I get to walk into my 69 degree are you serious? [00:26:47] Speaker B: Yeah, I'm locking an HVAC. [00:26:48] Speaker A: It's got to be dude, that would feel like a miracle in the way that you couldn't really explain to if I walked in with, like, a shot, right? If I walked in with a vaccine and I was like, I'm going to give this to you. I'm going to give you penicillin. This here will cure what ails you. Like, how? Why? [00:27:05] Speaker B: I don't know, man. [00:27:05] Speaker A: It just works. But if you just showed walk someone into an HVAC, this is a what you have this. I want that so much. This will cure all your diseases right here. This shot will cure so many of your problems. [00:27:17] Speaker B: It's impossible. If it's 95 degrees in my house, it's impossible for me to sit there and enjoy the Far East movement featuring the cataracts and dev like a G Six official video. [00:27:28] Speaker A: No, you can't. You can't enjoy it. How could you? It's too hot. It's too hot. [00:27:33] Speaker B: It's too hot to enjoy HVAC, dude. [00:27:35] Speaker A: It's HVAC. We're wrong, but it's HVAC, and that's okay, because that's what we're most thankful for. And on this the day, imagine explaining this to someone. [00:27:44] Speaker B: So it's like, oh, what the final four? So what do you think the final four is? I haven't listened yet, but I guess final four, if we're talking about modern things, it's probably going to be like clean drinking water, modern medicine, the Internet. We're like, Nah, dog. No. Easily. [00:27:56] Speaker A: One of those three, for sure is in the final four, right? One of those three has to be in the final four because it changed society, and it's like, Dog, let me tell you something. Did you know we had HVAC before we had the polio vaccine? I think that says it all to me. The second you said that, I was like, Dog, I even think society's on our side on this one. I think society came through. I don't know what their AC was, but who cares, dude? We had people fanning people for years with palm fronds. Think about that. That's how badly we wanted this shit. So that is it, HVAC, you're in the final four. Congratulations and thank you all so much for listening to this episode of Friendly Competition. If you want to watch your boys, a few things that you can do, as always, share with a friend, tell a friend. Wherever you're listening to this, make sure to hit that like that. Subscribe that follow. Give us those five stars, please. [00:28:46] Speaker B: Hell yes. Follow us on all of our social media, instagram, Twitter, Facebook. Just look up at friendly. Cup pod. If you have an idea for a whole 16 tournament you want to see, email us to us at [email protected]. Or you could just reach out like Carl did. Do something on the nick's on the Facebooks. Do the book. [00:29:00] Speaker A: Yeah, we're on the books. We're posting stuff on the books, trying to get your recommendations, especially. And this is one of those times, too. I mean, Carl did send in the full list, but you if you want to just shout out into the ether and be like, hey, could you just I want to see this idea. But I don't have 16. Great. We got a bunch of motorboaters that love to help out and give us great suggestions. So thank you to all those who did. Thank you to Charizard for that intro music. You want to hear more of their stuff, head over to Bandcamp, type in Charizard, replace the vowels with sixes. That is going to be it for us, folks. We got a new episode coming out on Monday, but until then, happy Thanksgiving, by the way. That's tomorrow. If you're listening to this, the day it drops, hopefully you have a good one. Hopefully you're with family, whether that's blood or found family. And hopefully, hopefully your belly is going to be so, so full. So full. [00:29:46] Speaker B: Yes. [00:29:47] Speaker A: And give thanks to us for making this for you. Because once again, it's what the internet is for. It's one of the modern miracles of the Internet, is that you get to hear us tell you these opinions. So shout out to you. Thank you to you as well. I've been Nick Carey. [00:30:01] Speaker B: And I'm Cody leno See you on the boat.

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